
The Future Mothers lexicon serves as a visual dictionary for their various projects. Their research and image bank are drawn from personal roots as well as historical and cultural sources with specific emphasis on current events in the Middle East, including Syria and Gaza. The images and forms challenge cultural paradigms by merging aesthetics and ideas from the east and west.


Bedouin women
Female narratives are a primary theme in my work.  Over the last ten years I have collected images of Middle Eastern women from books, newspapers, magazines, and the web. This process is an act of reclamation and a search for my own cultural identity.  I work to recontextualize and restore images of women to positions of power, visibility and voice.
Drawings + symbols
Multiple configurations of threads, lines, and cords function as metaphoric passages to abstract, unfolding regions, and are combined with cyclical patterns and geometrical ornaments to mark transitions between forms. Images of nature, motifs, and symbols are carefully aligned, repeated and transformed into new potent signs, patterns, and colors. These images are then juxtaposed with figures, architecture and landscape to create tactile environments and multi-layered narratives.

Statues & Idols

Using photographs taken of catholic statues, historical figures mixed with fantastical drawings to create people/symbols to populate the Future Mothers tent.

Patterns of wire and bone were used to create the texture on the tent and frequently become layers for Future Mothers Prints.